Understanding Truths About The Garden: Part 1

Over the past couple of years, I have been doing a deeper study of the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve and what really happened there, and what it means for us. Last year I was able to attend a Conference at BYU, and it was about a month before the new movies were put in the temples. I took a variety of classes, but quite a few talked about the Garden and what it symbolizes for us, and I started to gain a deeper understanding of Adam and Eve...but more specifically Eve. In the history of the world, Eve has been blamed for the sins of man, even among some members of the Church, I have heard people I know in my ward of the time, that Eve is to blame for all that goes wrong...and I always had a issue with it, because Eve has always been a heroine for me in my life. As I started to study her in more depth, I gained a deeper love for this woman of courage and conviction to do the right thing...no matter the cost to herself.

When Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden, they were given instruction. , walked and talked with God, they were able to build their marriage and enjoy the comforts and peace of the Garden. Heavenly Father had a plan that was set forth, and when He put Adam and Eve on the Earth, it was the beginning. We don't know how long Adam and Eve were in the garden, I imagine that it was for quite some time. Heavenly Father had much personal time with them, and we know that He laid out the plan for them. But he also gave them certain instruction, one of the most important, was Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, nevertheless, thou mayest choose for thyself, for it is given unto thee; but remember that I forbid it, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Moses 3:16–17). But there was also another commandment that they knew of "to multiply and replenish the earth" Now this is a paradox. God laid out the circumstances, the plan, and enough knowledge, so that they could make a decision on what to do next. He was very clear with both Adam and Eve that they each had a choice.

When Lucifer came to tempt Eve in the Garden, this moment is also a paradox as well...but one we don't always see. Lucifer was against the plan, that we would all have agency, to have the Atonement and be cleansed and be able to return to our Heavenly Father, making our own choice to do so. When he tempts Eve to partake of the fruit, he is only furthering the plan. However it is his nature to tempt. He couldn't resist. Just like in the parable of the serpent and the fox, where he asks the fox for a ride across the river, and before they are completely across, the serpent bites the fox, and before the fox dies he asked the serpent "why did you bite me, now we will both drown?" and the serpent replies "It is in my nature". the same is true with Lucifer tempting Eve. Even though it went against what he fought for in the first estate, his instinct is to tempt us even if it goes against his own agenda.

When Eve was tempted and took of the fruit...it wasn't a quick decision. Eve debated and thought this through carefully. She knew the consequences of doing so, but she also knew that it needed to happen in order for the Savior to come to the Earth, so that the Atonement could happen, and so that all mankind could be saved. She made a selfless act, one that would remove her from the presence of God, and also she didn't know the reaction of Adam, and knew that they would be separated and they would be alone. She was willing to give up the man she loved and was married to, as well as her relationship with her Heavenly Father, so that the right thing could be done for all of US!! What courage she must have had. Not knowing exactly would happen, but knowing that it had to be done. She chose a life of hardship, and trials and temptation, so we could have a chance. If it wasn't for her act of selfless love we wouldn't be here and the Atonement would never have happened. Adam showed his wisdom by following her example.

Even though Adam and Eve suffered the repercussions of their choice, it is a transgression of a law, and not a sin with evil or malicious intent. In their hearts, they were to do what God ultimately desired. There is much that we can learn from Adam and Eve, one is that they are symbolic of our journey here on the earth.

I have a firm testimony in the fall and the circumstances that initiated the Plan. There is much more in this story, than is just on the surface. There is much symbolism and depth that can help us on our own mortal experience. Bruce R. McConkie said this "The temple is to us as Eden was to Adam and Eve. The story of Eden, in fact is a light that reveals the path that all must travel to return to the divine presence."

The Message of the fall is about US!!
