Insights from "Lost Teachings of Jesus on The Sacred Place of Women by Alonzo Gaskill

I have been a fan of Alonzo Gaskill, since I read one of his others works "Odds Are You Are Gonna Be Exalted" and when I saw this, I knew I needed to get it. Its a short books, only 70 pages or so. Let me share what this book is about, and then I will share some quotes from the book and share my feelings on those. In this book, it talks about a journalist, in the 1800's who discovered some of Christ's other teachings, that was protected for hundreds of years by a monastery in Tibet. In the manuscript this journalist finds that travelers that lived in the time of Christ's ministry, and records his teachings, and a portion of this was dedicated to the value of women. Now I will say this, I have no clue if this manuscript is actually from the time of Christ, but many of these things, are in accordance to the teachings of the gospel and what many prophets and apostles have already mentioned many times and is considered doctrine. As I was reading this story, I was overcome with a feeling of love, and that Christ had a reverence for women. Over the years at times I have struggled with depressions and low feelings of self worth, due to some circumstances of when I was growing up. I sometimes have struggles with seeing my own worth and value. As i was reading through this, my heart became full and I knew that this was how my Heavenly Father saw me and that no matter what, I am loved and cherished, that they see my value and how they see the deeper part of me and see my potential in a way that no one else can. Now I would like to share some insights with you that gave me a deeper meaning at my own identity and who I can become and who the Savior really sees.

1. On her depends the whole existence of man, for she is his natural and moral support. 
Too often we humans forget the debt we owe to our mothers. They give us physical life, and then most spend the remainder of their days trying to fill us with spiritual life--teaching us morals, spirituality, faith and obedience. Till their last breath, they emotionally support us because of the nurturing spirit that resides within their souls.

My Thoughts -As I look at my own mother, and all that she sacrificed for me, for my well being, I am overcome with feelings of love and gratitude and I hope I can be the type of mother that is selfless and putting my children's needs above my own...whether they are spiritual, emotional, physical. To be the type of mother to create a nourishing home that is full of the spirit and love and harmony. 

2. In the same way, love your wives and respect them; for they will be mothers tomorrow, and each later on the ancestress of a race. 

The Lord introduces into His discourse the sacred doctrine of deification. He indicates that, through the Abrahamic covenant, each faithful woman will be blessed to be the mother of children--ideally in time, but certainly in eternity. And He reminds His hearers that every woman who is sealed in the new and everlasting covenant of marriage will be "ancestress of a race". She is destined, through Christ and her faithfulness to Him, to be queen and priestess--a goddess--throughout all eternity! Alonzo Gaskill shares what the Apostle Paul taught "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it...So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church; For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband." -Ephesians 5: 25, 28-33) He reminds us that we are nurturing husbands and wives.

My Thoughts: What I really liked about this section was that he is speaking to both men and women. That the Savior saw our full potential, and is giving a message of our destiny and roles, and that we are partners in marriage. Neither is better, that each role is to lift each other up and build a healthy and happy life together. I think this discourse, Christ is trying to show the value of women in the Gospel and in the eyes of God. That men were considered above women in every way, and women had no rights, but he is trying to show that they deserve love and respect. But in this section Alonzo Gaskill also speaks to the women in the Church, to live up to this divine calling and future that is ahead of us. That we also need to take a self examination on our own worthiness. Are we doing all that we can to live up to it? Are we being loving, nurting, respectful, and considerate of the men in our lives?

3. Protect your wife, in order that she may protect you and all your family, All that you do for your wife, your mother, for a widow or another woman in distress, you will have done unto your God. 

The woman's primary role is not to be a physical protector, but rather a protector of that which is sacred--the sanctity of the family, the sacredness of the home, and the testimonies of the children. She insures that the home is a spiritual haven from the world and its influence. She must be holy, because she is called to protect that which is holy.

My Thoughts 
This was a great section to read and I learned much in this part of the book. Growing up this was very evident in my home, my parents were very firm in the gospel, and always taught us to be spiritually minded. What the Savior is teaching us here, is that there is importance in women's roles as mothers and nurtures of the home. That the husband is to provide and protect the family, but the wife's job, is to make sure that that which God considers to be holy, is to be protected and nurtured in the ways of the Gospel...there is so much responsiliby that He is giving us here. This is no small matter. In fact, its a big deal, and one we must take seriously. How much our Father in Heaven trusts us to care for those that are sacred and loved much by him, but he is letting us have the opportunity to raise them to be righteous men and women. 

I want to end with a quote by Spencer W. Kimball " There can be no heaven without righteous women, To be a righteous woman is a glorious thing in any age. To be a righteous woman during the winding up scenes on this earth, before the second coming of our Savior, is a especially noble calling. The righteous woman's strength and influence today can be tenfold what it might be in more tranquil times."

Heavenly Father doesn't need us to be perfect right now, he just needs us to be working on becoming more like Christ. He needs us to be working steadfastly, always improving ourselves, and making our best effort. That we have so much aide, most importantly, we the the Savior as our Redeemer, our guide and counselor, and our friend!! He is with us every step of the way and with Him by our side we can accomplish anything!! Let us have faith in this journey and in our future, let us believe that we are blessed daughters and sons of God, that we have a great purpose and destiny!!


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